Thursday, March 19, 2015

Day 1

The backstory...

I've never had bad periods.  Well, I've never had bad PMS.  Cramps, some irritability, etc.  Nothing that I couldn't deal with.  Granted, I was on birth control for at least 10-12 years.  Then I had kids, my husband had a vasectomy, and I didn't see a need for birth control again.

Flash forward to the past 6 months or so. My periods were a little irregular, getting shorter, and I wasn't feeling great.  Cramps were bad.  And every month, my PMS started getting worse.  And worse.  And worse... the past 2 months have been awful.  So bad to the point where I was afraid I'd ruined my marriage.

Last week, I felt crazy.  Literally out of control.  There was nothing that I could do to control my behavior.  The lows were really bad... crying, screaming, hiding from everything.  Imagine dealing with all of that and trying to function as a wife, mother, teacher.  It was really, really bad.  My girlfriends were worried, the men in my life didn't understand.

Luckily, I am a talker.  I talked to anyone and everyone about my feelings.  I ended up going to meet with my gynecologist.  She prescribed me a 10 mg dose of Prozac.  I was instructed to either take it everyday, or to take it in the 7-10 days before my period.

I've opted to take it everyday.  Or every night, since it can make you drowsy.  My husband wasn't 100 % on board with me taking anything, but he also doesn't want me to go psychotic again.  So here we are.

Day one.  I took the first pill last night.  I think it did make me a little sleepy.  I'm using this blog to document my feelings, physically and emotionally while I'm on this pill.  So far so good.

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