Friday, March 20, 2015

Day 2

I slept hard last night.  I think I fell asleep pretty quickly and I didn't hear a single thing until my alarm went off.  That included my husband coming into the bedroom and changing clothes, etc.  I'm not so sure that I like that... but I guess it is better than being woken up multiple times at night!

Communicating is hard.  Especially via text message.  Things can be misconstrued, misinterpreted.  There is no way to convey tone; and that is an integral part of conversations.  This morning, I had a text message conversation with my husband that went awry.

I don't like leaving issues unresolved throughout the day, especially in my not 100% mentally/emotional well state of mind.  So I apologized and moved on.  I wanted him to move on as well.  That's a change for me.

It could be that the fluoxetine is just having a placebo effect on me right now.  Or it could be that it is working and helping me.  Mellowing me out; bringing back the old me.  I have a lot to work on personally.  Mostly trust issues.  I have valid reasons for questioning my husband's whereabouts... but I'm working to overcome those issues.

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